Profile Graduation work
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What is your specialty, what makes your work unique? Or place your artist's statement.

I have been dismantling everything that crossed my path for as long as I can remember. Fascinated by how the products were made I found a new interest; reassembling these same products in order tot give them a new purpose.
As a creator I feel most at home in the world of Conceptual Art; the story behind an object interests me more than aesthetics.
My creative process usually starts with a social dilemma; this could be something I have heard or read about. The research may be done in different ways, Even though I prefer doing my research by talking to the people closest to the subject.
The way in which this project went from research to something physical is of great importance to me and symbolizes the growing energy I have felt during this project. With this project I hope to discover the best way possible to tell the story, while keeping it sensible.

What are your ambitions? What do you want to be in five years?

Building a platform where I connect the big industry with artists, on the side enjoying my own projects as an independent designer.

What is the most important thing you have learned during your studies?

Failure is success in progress.