Not only through the shapes of the manuscripts, but also through the appearances such as material and color, in order to emphasize not only the value of the manuscript but also the story behind it.
For more work and information, get in touch or visit sqeleton.com enjoy!
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This life-size Sqeleton artwork was created from my own handwritten text. I have observed my own emotion-expressions during this project and turned them this into a Sqeleton artwork. It is a piece of the 2D [Inner piece] Sqeleton below that comes with the letter. (If you look closely enough, you can find the word 'Piece' in this Sqeleton).
Performance anxiety was what arose from my own emotions. It is a form of perfectionism. I wrote a letter to myself about my performance anxiety. This letter is called 'Inner Piece'. The piece of performance anxiety in my head that is slowly being replaced by 'inner peace'.
Analyzing my letter allowed me to apply materials. It communicates itself through the material.
Year 2021
Size 160 x 108 x 50 cm

M E A N I N G F U L W O R D S N E E D N O L O N G E R B E L O S T,
B U T M E M O R I Z E D I N Y O U R L I F E W I T H A B E A U T I F U L P I E C E O F A R T.