Beeldende kunst
Visual Art and Design Management
Artistieke prestatie

S Q E L E T O N [Framed]

Shivonne Alberto
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Every year I receive a handwritten happy birthday card from my grandparents with a new special wish. It is wonderful because there are not many people left who actually write something by hand and send it to someone by post. There is love in this card. Effort. If you look very closely at a handwriting, you will discover personal characteristics. It is literally a piece of someone. It fascinates me that after a while you throw them away or put them away somewhere in a box. You are actually throwing away something that has value (to you), you don’t even realize it!

With Sqeleton Art, I place manuscripts and their characteristic shapes in a new dimension, making the value tangible in an object. Handwritten texts are creatively immortalized. Every ‘Sqeleton’ has its own personality because of the corresponding handwriting.

These are now 2D wall artworks and 3D installations, but they will evolve into furniture and so much more.


For more work and information, get in touch or visit enjoy!

More information about me. Chat with me at the bottom of this page  

M E A N I N G F U L   W O R D S   N E E D   N O   L O N G E R   B E   L O S T, 
B U T   M E M O R I Z E D   I N   Y O U R   L I F E   
W I T H   A   B E A U T I F U L   P I E C E   O F   A R T. 

Shivonne Alberto Welcome! For any questions, a zoom call or just to say hi, send me a message.