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Sabrina Durić
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Born in 1995 in The Netherlands after my parents had to leave their home country for the safety of their baby (my older sister)

and their own life. I myself have never known Bosnia other than a country that has beautiful nature and lovely people.
As I grew older I came to understand more about what happened during the time of the war (1992-1995).
It is unbelievable how pain can develop with time that passes by.
It is something I will carry within me for the rest of my life.

As this is the reason to why I decided to dedicate my final work of my 4 years of study at the HKU University to all the innocent souls
that we have unfortunately lost during these horrific times.

I want to give something, or be able to do something for the people that are no longer here and their loved ones that have to
live in pain 
every day in and out...
as for now this is my way to express myself by creating garments.

As a menswear designer I am dedicating this collection not only to all the men that were executed but also to all the women that were
beaten, raped and executed as well.
Mothers who have lost their sons, husbands, brothers, fathers, friends.
We have lost over a 100.000 beautiful souls and this will NOT be forgotten.

"This soil is soaked with blood" is a phrase that a survivor of the Srebrenica genocide has said during a documentary I have watched
a few years ago.

Ever since then I could not let go of this, it led me to use this as the one of the "main" focus points for the project (concept wise).

As I know Bosnia has beautiful nature, I somehow felt it was connected to all the people we have lost
and whose blood has been soaked in the soil.

They left us a beautiful gift that represents their innocence. The Nature of Bosnia.

I used the beauty of nature to represent the beautiful souls that are no longer with us.
Floral details (as seen on the top with crochet and hand beaded *Srebrenica flowers.) mixed with some painful elements of the war such
as destroyed buildings 
and *Sarajevo's Roses by fire manipulating the fabric.

* The flower of Srebrenica has a deep symbolic meaning, representing both the date when the genocide happened with its 11 petals,
   as well as hope for the future through its white color.
* The Sarajevo 'rose' represents the impact of the war on the lives of these individuals and all citizens of Sarajevo.

Using handicrafts such as beading, knitting, crochet and knotting brings the garments a personal touch and value.
The collection mainly contains different shades of white, which to me represents life and pureness,
as well as death (as in the Islam the dead should be shrouded in a white cloth).

I will keep the hope of peace within me until the day I am no longer here,
And I hope you will too...

This is my personal story and view collected together and visualized through my garments,
from Me,
to Bosnia,
to You,
the World.
After so many horrific events it is still happening in this world, right now. I can not believe that innocent people
somewhere else on this globe 
are experiencing the pain that I would never wish upon my worst enemy.



Sabrina Durić

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