Profile Graduation work
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What is your specialty, what makes your work unique? Or place your artist's statement.

The last two years, Monique’s projects mainly focussed on social media and its dynamics. It fascinates her how much power is held by a small group of people and how this can have negative consequences for people’s behaviour offline.

She portrays the internet as cities, and so found a way to represent the internet’s architecture into that of the real world. She likes how ideologies like modernism and the creation of the internet were revolutionary ideas to change the world which were deeply flawed.

Her mission is to find out everything there is to know about a subject, to then give her conclusions to a broader audience that does not have to spend hours on researching to understand the subject. 

Her work opens a window to a naive world where she makes the rules. In this space, she has her own take on the rules of perspective and logic. Inspiration is taken from Egyptian illustrations and medieval icons, to then finalise them in modern programs like illustrator and photoshop.

What are your ambitions? What do you want to be in five years?

After graduating illustration Monique will continue her education in arts, by starting a master in Fine Arts at the University of Gothenburg. There are no plans yet for life after that, but she is sure something will come up in due time!

What is the most important thing you have learned during your studies?

The most important thing Monique has learned during her studies is that she can actually make an impact on the world with her work. As she is very much interested in bigger-scale injustices, it is hard to believe that an art project can help. But with every new work, she brings attention to the matter just a little bit more. And that is important.

List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.

De Digitale Stad - De Boekenbar, Utrecht
Retez - UMPRUM, Prague

Artsemestr - UMPRUM, Prague
Show Me The Money - HKU Oudenoord, Utrecht
Exposure 2021 - LOU, Utrecht