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Artist statement; wat is je specialisme, wat maakt jouw werk uniek?

I mostly reside in the digital realm. It is a fast-paced world that influences my thoughts and ideas on a daily basis. In my work I often reflect on the fact that our lives are becoming increasingly digital, and on the effects of this change. I like complexity and ever-shifting perspectives. My goal for now is to combine audio and image to create work that amazes, or creates a sense of magicality. I get inspired by music (videos), concerts, (sci-fi) movies, interfaces and the continuous stream of images I see every day.

Wat zijn je ambities? Wat wil je over vijf jaar bereikt hebben?

In 5 years I want to have a portfolio that I can be proud of if I thought about it 5 years ago.

Wat is het belangrijkste dat je hebt geleerd tijdens je studie?

That there is no evident causality between the amount of effort you put into a project and the quality of the outcome. Making good work doesn't always have to be a grind! (Sometimes it does though.)

Overzicht van publicaties / exposities / prijzen / concerten / voorstellingen etc.

Seen at:
- DEMO Festival - Participant
@Amsterdam Centraal
- Archive Live - Exhibition Concept and Participant
- Ruis - Participant
@Sexyland Amsterdam
- OVERKILL: OVERLOAD - Participant
@Ekko Utrecht
- De-center Re-center - Participant
@Filmcafé Utrecht
- Reclaim the Streets - Selected Breda & Affiche Gallerij Den Haag

Worked With:
- Circus Family
- Klimaatjes (Philips Innovation Awards Semi-Final)