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What is your specialty, what makes your work unique? Or place your artist's statement.

Through the sculptures of Julia Hooy, an imaginary world unfolds that manifests itself in shape, volume, texture, and color. While Hooy originally started with drawing, allowing her to freely associate and imagine, her sculptures emerge from a strong desire to materialize the figures and shapes that once appeared only in her drawings. Working three-dimensionally enabled her to open up new worlds entirely, turning every element into something physically tangible.
Brought into existence through a process that is as much imagination as it is exploration, Hooy’s sculptures emerge in a way that is not unlike drawing, progressing towards a final form while being continuously shaped. As they reveal parts of an inner world, the works recall mythical or epic designs that trigger the spectator’s fantasy. As such, they no longer solely belong to the mind of the artist, but allow us a glimpse of another world entirely.

Text by: Menno Vuister

What are your ambitions? What do you want to be in five years?

I hope to grow in my artistic practice and learn more about my work and therefore myself. I hope to do residencies and participate in exhibitions that will allow me to see different places in the world and meet inspiring people. Also, I would love to be a part of the Ateliers or the Rijksacademie.

What is the most important thing you have learned during your studies?

I have learned that mistakes don’t exist. In the sense that a mistake is like an accidental seed, and when the soil is fruitful enough it can turn into a flower.

List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.

‘Sink In’, De Havenloods, Utrecht, 2020