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What is your specialty, what makes your work unique? Or place your artist's statement.

As an animator with a focus on design I create worlds in which the viewer feels invited to explore them further in his or her own fantasy. As a child I would fantasize for hours about the imaginary worlds I had seen in series and movies and what could happen in them. Much of my inspiration therefore comes from the naive imagination of children and how they can see the world from a fresh perspective every day. I also want to evoke the same magical feeling in the viewer through my work, I want the adult viewer to be amazed again. I mainly try to evoke this amazement through my design choices, because I combine 3D software with hand drawn 2D elements, playful images are created with which I want to show the adult audience that a non-realistic world can also present itself as believable.

What are your ambitions? What do you want to be in five years?

I hope to continue to grow as a concept artist or shading / texturing artist within an animation studio, it would be ideal if I also had enough freedom to experiment. Ultimately, I would like to have a managerial role, such as an Art director. In terms of different work, I would like to experience both of the “worlds”; both the advertising and the (short) film world.

What is the most important thing you have learned during your studies?

Out of all the things I’ve learned whilst studying at the HKU, the power of collaboration is the most important to me. It is very easy to lose yourself when you work on a single project for a long time. If you work with several people on the same project you keep each other sharp, the different opinions and visions help keep your feet on the ground. When you’re collaborating with people everybody has a chance to focus more on his or her own speciality, which makes the whole project more enjoyable.

List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.

Echt_Def_2 (2019), Academie Galerie (AG), Utrecht
[2:1] (2019) - selected for:
Animarte 2019
Fluxus Animation Film Festival 2020