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Artist statement; wat is je specialisme, wat maakt jouw werk uniek?

The stranger, living abroad, works, sees, enjoys and misses. Pericles Makris offers a glimpse to the soul of the stranger through his music. His flowing melodies and his restless spirit, combined with his partners, paint a white canvas anew in every show. A jazz journey, electric and acoustic sounds shape a unique sketch in every performance, with influences from Bill Frisell, Paul Motian, John Zorn and Jakob Bro among others.

Wat zijn je ambities? Wat wil je over vijf jaar bereikt hebben?

In the next five years, I'd like to play a lot of music with a lot of people in a lot of different places in the world. Travel, perform, record and share the energy.

Wat is het belangrijkste dat je hebt geleerd tijdens je studie?

The most important think I learned during this four years was to stop to take a breath. Listen, understand, plan and sit down to work towards my goals with awareness and eagerness to repeat the process.

Overzicht van publicaties / exposities / prijzen / concerten / voorstellingen etc.

Some of my published work:
Abroad EP -
The Juliper Berries EP -