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Artist statement; wat is je specialisme, wat maakt jouw werk uniek?

My specialty is performing and flute teaching. What is unique about my performance is the passion and the energy that I forward to the audience through my performance. I can make the audience feel emotions and hear a story through my performance. As for a flute teacher, I am unique as I emphasize on the importance of the fun and game in the lessons. I am trying to teach my students in a good level and at the same time making them love what they are doing.

Wat zijn je ambities? Wat wil je over vijf jaar bereikt hebben?

In five years from now, I see myself having the right knowledge and experiences to create my own flute music school in Cyprus and at the same time be a part of the orchestra.

Wat is het belangrijkste dat je hebt geleerd tijdens je studie?

Through my studies I became a professional musician and most important I learned how to teach and share my knowledge with my students.