Profile Graduation work
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What is your specialty, what makes your work unique? Or place your artist's statement.

As a child I would go out to collect snails, ladybugs, stones, or anything else I would come across. After collecting these (living) objects I would take them home and take care of them. This process of finding and giving meaning is implemented into my work. Sharp observation of my surroundings is a key part in this process. I mainly focus on recognising traces and fragments of destruction, which I then translate into my photographic practice.
Saving objects differs from collecting because collecting is directly connected with order, value, function and history. I collect objects found in my surroundings, like I did when I was younger, only now I focus on (lifeless) fragmented objects. My collection consists of objects like branches, pieces of metal, bark, car lights and car doors. All of these objects are traces of an occurrence, an occurrence that I have not experienced but only find the fragmented remains of.
When the appearance of the objects, their origin and the images of the objects are combined, they playfully interact. Fragments are brought back together by means of documentation. I use photography as a tool to construct and reconstruct images, in a never-ending process of adding and reordering, just like a collector would do.

What are your ambitions? What do you want to be in five years?

In 5 years I hope to have finished a Fine Arts Master or multiple residencies.

What is the most important thing you have learned during your studies?

Studying at HKU taught me to be stubborn, to experiment with all kinds of media and to connect with people.

List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.

In Between Us [IMPAKT festival] (2019), Academie Galerie (AG), Utrecht
Echt_Def_2 (2019), Academie Galerie (AG), Utrecht