Profile Graduation work
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What is your specialty, what makes your work unique? Or place your artist's statement.

From the constant search for individuality and originality, I visualize my work with a passion for analogue illustration in combination with digital techniques. My fascination for the human body and the psychological aspect serve as inspiration for the work that is often about my perspective on life from personal life experiences.

While creating an illustration, I think in constant motion. I believe that movement and emotion reinforce each other, which is why I process my still images in moving images, such as short animation videos.

What are your ambitions? What do you want to be in five years?

In the future I would like to own a webshop where I can sell prints and shirts of my work. I would like to collaborate with my brother Niels van Sloten, who is a great graphic designer, and start an art project. Combining an office job as animator/illustrator and making my own art work looks like a great future to me!

What is the most important thing you have learned during your studies?

During these years at HKU I learned to think my art throught. I learned to describe to other people what my inspiration is and what my art is about. The most important thing is that I gained a lot of self confidence.