'Alles wat zijn ogen zien, kunnen zijn handen kapot maken' is the result of a studie within Ids’ family dynamics. The kinetic installation made out of a robot vacuum cleaner, plaster hands and a moving installation are an imagination of someone trying to adapt and learn from it’s unfamilliar surroundings.
In the work a robot vacuum cleaner is surrounded by a great amount of plaster hands placed in a round arena. When turned on, the vacuum starts franticly searching for a way out. By doing this it bumps into the hands and causing them to slowly move away untill they fall off the arena. In slow intervals the arena moves the vallen hands back onto the playing field, this creates a disintegration loop where the hands slowly erode until the vacuum cleaner is able to finally proces them.

Ids Timmerije(1996) is a mixed media artist whose work is characterized by its iterative and associative processes resulting out of ephemeral obsessions. His creative process finds its beginnings in materials and objects he has directly at hands. Every step after the first is conducted through these brief obsessions, varying between internetculture to robot vacuumcleaners. Through rapidly evolving images and testobject he tries to study the relations he sees between things that are seemingly unrelated. These often cynical, uncomfortable and accidental intimate relations result in installations that try to produce the questions: Why am i watching this, and why do I want to keep wachting?
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