In the midst of the hubbub of daily life in Utrecht, The Creative Playground is opening up this central green space available to all visitors. The Creative Playground offers visitors a multi-diverse experience in this space from a quiet place to rest and dwell in greenery or discover something creative and get inspired by making new connections or participate in artistic events and workshops.
The vision for The Creative Playground is to create a space that stimulates new projects and connections around the themes of art, sustainability, and nature. We are excited to extend an invitation to those with a desire to test out new ideas here that can then spill over throughout Utrecht and beyond. The Creative Playground also host art residency programs, educational workshops and creative events and exhibitions.
The Creative Playground, which is an integral part of Angelina's art practice, is a social art project that she has designed and co-created with like-minded visionaries, through her foundation LDD*. Both of the other artworks Angelina has made for the graduation and The Creative Playground share a variety of experiences with their visitors: by forging bridges between art, natural cycles and sustainability and inviting us to slow down, they open up the possibility to see the world from different perspectives. A place to reconnect in ways that could be closer to us despite the high-rise buildings and the institutions of society that spring up and engulf us.
The Summer program of The Creative Playground has been sponsored by: Mondriaan Fonds, KF Hein and Initiatievenfonds Gemeente Utrecht.
Address: Westplein 1001 Utrecht
Website: * LDD - Lucrative Dumpster Dives

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Refection Pods
(Size 212 x 120.5 cm each)
In a time when we have become more isolated from our routine ways of relaxing and making connections, the need to find other sources of revitalisation has become apparent. As an artist working on the subject of sustainability, Angelina Kumar has experienced the need for moments of reflection necessary to obtain a holistic perspective that shifts our way of thinking, acting and interacting with each other and the planet.
The Reflection Pods are made from rescued wood and created with the intention to quiet the busyness of the external world. They invite you to step inwards, to connect with oneself and with nature–from whence we came.

Mango & Me
(A short film 8min 48sec)
The short film Mango & Me follows a child’s journey through natural and man-made habitats and explores another perspective on dwelling in, and dealing with, shifting turbulent times. The film invites the viewer to step into a moment where they can travel through time. Our past and present history as humans seems to be on repeat and only getting worse. The underpinning factor of the way we engage and negotiate with and within our environment determines current and future results. And whether we dawn on a utopian or dystopian approach we still have to live in and deal with the present moment in time. This film raises all these elements to the surface in a clear and simple format, while capturing a perspective that could be used when tackling current global issues.