Annebel Bruschinski

Annebel Bruschinski
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I use philosophical theories in a concrete way. It is my way of combining graphic design and fine arts. As a maker I am obsessed with objects and how we interact with them, how they symbolise what we do and where we are. Our relationship with objects and materials show that the Anthropocene is not inevitable anymore - it has passed. Nevertheless it also shows how values and relationships of humans and inanimate objects have a profound effect on the ever changing climate. Personal behaviour can be seen as something small and close by. It can also be viewed as something that has an impact on a much larger scale.

Bed, Embodied

The bed listens to our screams and laughter, it feels our pains and tears. There is comfort in the acceptance of a filthy bed. They are the most intimate objects in our lives, witnesses of emotions we don’t share with other people. Nevertheless, we neglect and throw away our beds after they have met our needs. All those memories, lost and forgotten. Bed, Embodied is an installation that celebrates this intimacy and the relationship between man and everyday life objects. This installation animates the invisible, yet crucial memories we share with our bed.